Magazin maecenas

The Hessische Kulturstiftung puts out a quarterly magazine entitled maecenas, containing information on current exhibitions and publications by its grant recipients as well as on exhibitions and acquisitions supported by the Kulturstiftung.

The magazines are only available in german language.

I would like to subscribe to maecenas.
Please send the current and following back editions to my address:


    I give my approval for the Hessische Kulturstiftung to send me its quarterly magazine maecenas free of charge and to process my personal data electronically. My personal data is to be used for this purpose only. In particular, no personally identifiable data will be transmitted to unauthorized third parties.

    I understand that I can revoke my consent at any time, but not retroactively. Consent can be revoked by sending an e-mail to: or by writing by post to: Hessische Kulturstiftung, Luisenstraße 3 (Hinterhaus), 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany. The Privacy Policy of the Hessische Kulturstiftung applies, which also contains further information about options for authorizing the use of my data and deleting and blocking my data.

    Past issues of the maecenas as pdf-download:

    Frühling 2025frühling 2024winter 2023herbst 2023sommer 2023frühling 2023winter 2022herbst 2022sommer 2022frühling 2022winter 2021herbst 2021sommer 2021frühling 2021winter 2020herbst 2020sommer 2020frühling 2020winter 2019herbst 2019sommer 2019frühling 2019winter 2018herbst 2018sommer 2018frühling 2018winter 2017herbst 2017sommer 2017frühling 2017winter 2016herbst 2016sommer 2016frühling 2016winter 2015herbst 2015sommer 2015frühling 2015winter 2014herbst 2014sommer 2014frühling 2014winter 2013herbst 2013sommer 2013frühling 2013winter 2012herbst 2012sommer 2012frühling 2012winter 2011herbst 2011sommer 2011frühling 2011winter 2010herbst 2010sommer 2010frühling 2010winter 2009herbst 2009sommer 2009frühling 2009winter 2008herbst 2008sommer 2008frühling 2008
    Subscribe maecenas, the foundations' quarterly magazine.